
New Sanitary Sewer System, Island Beach State Park, Contract P1118-00 Ocean County, New Jersey

New Sanitary Sewer System, Island Beach State Park, Contract P1118-00 Ocean County, New Jersey

This project involves the construction of a new vacuum and force main “wastewater collection and conveyance system” on Island Beach State Park, Ocean County, New Jersey. The overall sewer length extends approximately seven miles through the park. This work shall be undertaken by a single overall construction contract which includes excavation and earthwork. extensive dewatering operations, concrete foundations, steel reinforcement, miscellaneous metal work, paving, outside and inside, equipment, instrumentation, plumbing, heating and ventilation, electrical, and related work. The vacuum system requires two building pump stations, and underground control valves and diversion chambers to control the output flows of the sanitary system. The project includes a very aggressive completion schedule and Is located within environmentally sensitive nature areas Additional considerations are focused on the park visitors, seasonal park operations, and the traveling public via vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrian traffic.

Point No Point Bridge Replacement Newark, Essex County, Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey

Point No Point Bridge Replacement Newark, Essex County, Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey

The Point No Point (PNP) Bridge replacement project includes construction of a new movable single-leaf bascule bridge, along Conrail’s P&H line between Kearny and Newark, over the Passaic River. The new PNP bridge will be built upon six reinforced concrete piers that are supported by a total of (26) 9 diameter, steel cased drilled shas. New reinforced concrete abutments will be supported by over (330) steel H-piles totaling more than 17,000.

The new bridge will have a steel superstructure with span lengths varying from about 77 up to 138 between piers, and roughly 173 bascule span. The steel girder heel sections of the bascule span stand approximately 28 feet tall and are supported by fixed trunnions located on top of steel towers. Counter- weight boxes will be installed on top of each heel section and filled with lead to provide the proper balance conditions in the open and closed positions. Balance will be achieved with the use of lead balance blocks and plates totaling approximately 3.7 million pounds. The bridge will operate with twin drive machinery assemblies housed within a steel framed machinery house.

The machinery house will contain all the mechanical and electrical equipment needed to operate the moveable span. Two Span Lock machinery assemblies will be constructed on elevated platforms to lock the li span in place while in the closed position. The two navigational channels will be flanked by a composite lumber fender system that protects the bridge’s concrete piers from vessel impacts. Two cast in place retaining walls will be constructed on spread footings adjacent to the active rail tracks. A second bridge (roughly 100 span) will also be constructed over PATH tracks on the Kearny side. Like the new PNP bridge, new pile supported abutments (164 piles/~9,000 LF) will be constructed. Work on the approaches to the bridge includes extensive track work, excavation/support of excavation, wick drains, geotechnical instrumentation, embankment construction, topsoil/seeding, underground utilities and track subballast and ballast installation. Upon completion and opening of the newly constructed bridges, the existing PNP bridge and the smaller PATH bridge will be demolished.

Extensive coordination between GHC crews and railroad forces, including several different owners such as CONRAIL, CSX, PANYNJ, Amtrak and NJ Transit is an essential component of this project.

NJ Turnpike, Bridge Fender & Rehabilitation – Contract A100.459 Various Counties, New Jersey

NJ Turnpike, Bridge Fender & Rehabilitation – Contract A100.459 Various Counties, New Jersey

This contract involved repairing and reconstructing existing fenders that were severely deteriorated. Repairs included installing new lagging and bracing to protect the existing piers, new accessible maintenance walkways and fender pile repairs. New fiberglass reinforced lumber was utilized for added durability in a harsh marine environment. One location included the installation of 36” diameter composite piles to further protect the bridge piers from marine traffic.

Additionally, existing navigational lighting was replaced with new solar powered lighting. The fender locations are as follows. Parkway Structure Nos. 127.2N and 125.2S over the Raritan River and Smith Street in Middlesex County, Turnpike Structure No. E109.83 over the Hackensack River in Hudson County, Turnpike Structure No. W115.36 over the Hackensack River in Bergen County and Turnpike Structure Nos. W107.87 and E107.88 over the Passaic River in Essex County, New Jersey. In addition, new dolphin piles as long as 98’ were installed at two locations to further protect the fenders.

Raritan River Bridge Replacement, Contract GC.01  Perth Amboy, South Amboy, New Jersey

Raritan River Bridge Replacement, Contract GC.01 Perth Amboy, South Amboy, New Jersey

The new Raritan River Bridge program will construct a new, higher elevated railroad bridge over the Raritan River. The new bridge will replace the existing 110 year old swing span, with a new state of the art li span that will double the width of the current channel. The Bridge program is broken up into three contracts. The first contract is GC.01, and was bid in early 2020. Contract GC.01 construction work consists of Bridge Approach Spans, Li and Flanking Span Piers, and Associated Land Work. This contract includes all substructure construction, including but not limited to, eighty four 8’ diameter drilled sha s up to 225 feet deep with associated Pier Work. Two Li Piers, each containing over 3,500 cubic yard of concrete, are to be constructed to support a future li bridge. All approach span superstructure construction which consists of 24 spans of six steel girders per span, with a steel plate superstructure and ballast stone. This contract also includes all of the access work, such as temporary trestles from each river bank necessary to construct the sub and superstructure. Addi onal work includes ground improvements leading up to the bridge structure along with drainage, grading, retaining walls and other miscellaneous construction. Extensive Catenary Work is also included in this contract. This project also requires extensive coordination with many utilities, the owner, the current systems operator, and the FTA.

Replacement of Bridge MA-14, C.R. 6 (Amboy Ave.w/Front St) Keyport & Aberdeen, NJ

Replacement of Bridge MA-14, C.R. 6 (Amboy Ave.w/Front St) Keyport & Aberdeen, NJ

On November 5, 2015 GHCCI was the apparent low bidder on the Replacement of Monmouth County Bridge MA-14 (Amboy Ave/W. Front St) at Matawan Creek. The existing MA-14 bridge was a four span steel bridge structure with steel open grid decking. The structure was originally built as a drawbridge, but due to the bridge’s poor condition nearly 50 years ago, Monmouth County removed the mechanical equipment and fixed the bridge down to the substructure.

Route 7 Hackensack River Wittpenn Bridge, Contract 4 Jersey City & Kearny, NJ

Route 7 Hackensack River Wittpenn Bridge, Contract 4 Jersey City & Kearny, NJ

This is the second largest project in GHCCI’s renowned history and, interestingly enough, the first being our Rt.1&9T project in Jersey City, which was the first phase of the Rt.7 program and will connect to the new Wittpenn infrastructure. The overall NJDOT Wittpenn Project consists of five separate contracts to replace the existing Rt.7 lift span bridge that was built in 1930.

Route 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridges, Contract 4 Manahawkin, New Jersey

Route 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridges, Contract 4 Manahawkin, New Jersey

This Contract is the 4th Contract of the Route 72 Causeway constructon. Due to the high volume of traffic during the summer months, it is necessary to upgrade the one and only access point into and out of Long Beach Island. This bridge reconstructon project, which includes the smaller “Hilliard’s Thorofare” bridge and the half mile long “Manahawkin Bay Bridge”, will improve accessibility for both vehicles and pedestrians.



Located in Newark, NJ, this interchange is located just west of the Sickel Bridge and is one of the most congested & highly traveled corridors in the city. The interchange is comprised of a number of deteriorating structures and ramps. The goal of this project is to replace this interchange with a much safer and more up-to-date design.

NJ Turnpike, Central Inventory Building, Contract A500.357

NJ Turnpike, Central Inventory Building, Contract A500.357

This new building will be located in Woodbridge Township constructed in the East infield of the Exit 11 Interchange. The 65,200 square foot facility is divided into two wings. The buildings functions are separated as a warehouse and mixed-use building.